
Our board of directors is made up of members.

Photo of The Magazine at De Montfort University

Our board of directors is responsible for planning and strategy, scrutinising the newspaper's finances, and providing expertise where needed.

They hold the team accountable, and in turn, members scrutinise the board. Directors meet every three months but give advice all year round.

There are spaces on the board for different types of members: employees, readers, groups and non-user investors. Non-user investors is an unused membership category, reserved for community share offers. The Gazette has no plans to run a community share offer at this time.

There are also two spaces for independent directors, often co-opted for their expertise in particular areas.

Current directors

Team Page
Robin Cafferata

Dorothy Francis

Reader director

Dorothy has worked within co-operatives for the last 38 years, including as chair of Soft Touch Arts. She brings to The Gazette extensive skills and experience from her time serving on the boards of Ajani Women's Centre, MBD and Cosmopolitan Arts. Dorothy was re-elected 6 November 2023.

Lucy Faire

Lucy Faire

Reader director

Lucy is an associate lecturer in history at the Open University and has been teaching mature learners for over 20 years. They re-founded Leicester Vaughan College, a co-operative adult education college. Lucy was elected 6 November 2023.

Robin Cafferata

Robin Cafferata

Reader director

Robin Cafferata has worked in various mental healthcare settings and currently works to reduce systemic inequality and discrimination. He is passionate about the need for high-quality journalism locally. Robin was elected 6 November 2023.

Emma Guy

Emma Guy

Journalist director

Emma is an award-winning investigative journalist. As editor, shee works across editorial but also teaches our interns and those on work experience the ropes. She edits our free weekly newsletter, Inside Leicester. Emma was re-elected 6 November 2023.

Rhys Everquill

Rhys Everquill

Journalist director

Rhys is a seasoned journalist, writer, and community organising. As community lead, who works across fundraising, community engagement, daily operations and some editorial work too. Rhys was re-elected 6 November 2023.

Megan Lupton

Megan Lupton

Journalist Director

Megan is a writer and podcaster. As communications lead, she ensures that The Gazette's work has an impact in Leicester and beyond. Megan was re-elected 6 November 2023.

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