
The Great Central Gazette is committed to financial and organisational transparency.

Photo of Leicester Town Hall foundation

Great Central Gazette Limited is a registered society under the Co-operative and Community Benefits Societies Act 2014. Registered no. 5001.

The name of any individual who gives £5,000/year or more will be listed on this page. Organisations are included without regard to the amount they contribute.


The Gazette is a member-owned newspaper, free from big shareholders and ad-driven revenue. No matter how much you pay, we operate a one-member, one-vote policy.

Total members 84
Paid members 70
MMR £215
AAR £2,580
ARPU £3.07

What do these terms mean?

Total members mean all members of The Gazette, including those who joined through our pay-it-forward scheme. Paid members are those who pay £2 per month or more.

Monthly member revenue (MMR) is the revenue that we receive on a monthly basis from all paying memberships. MMR is calculated by taking the total number of paying members multiplied by the average billed amount.

Annual recurring revenue (ARR) is a forecast of our annual revenue, calculated by multiplying MMR by 12. It assumes everything stays exactly as is for the rest of the year — no churn, new customers, or expansion.

Average revenue per user (ARPU) is calculated by dividing our MMR by our number of paying members. ARPU is calculated monthly and gives us an idea of how much the average member spends.


As we build the membership and work towards sustainability, we receive grant funding from various organisations to help us grow.

Grants and support to date

Date Funder Amount Type Funding Pot
May 2024 Public Interest News Foundation £2,000 Crowdfunder Matched Funding Indie News Fund
Mar 2024 De Montfort University £2,000 Community Cohesion Project Community Challenge Fund
Mar 2024 Laura Kinsella Foundation £2,000 Community Cohesion Project N/A
Feb 2024 UK Government via Leicester City Council £5,700 (value) Business Support Growth Accelerator for Social Entrepreneurs
Jan 2024 De Montfort University £2,289 (value) Fully-funded Internship Frontrunners scheme
Nov 2023 Your Co-op £3,263.80 General Election Coverage Campaigns Fund
Nov 2023 De Montfort University £3,629.70 (value) Fully-funded Internship ACE Internships scheme
Apr 2023 Your Co-op £542.62 Local Elections Coverage Campaigns Fund
Mar 2023 The Wainwright Trusts £2,000 Local Elections Coverage Scurrah Wainwright Charity
Mar 2023 Lush £1,000 Events Charity Pot
Feb 2023 De Montfort University £2,000 Environment Reporting Community Challenge Fund
Dec 2022 Central Co-op £500 Core Funding Membership Community Council (Southern)
Jul 2022 The Co-operative Bank via Co-operatives UK £2,400 (value) Business Support The Hive

We have also received generous in-kind donations, free services, and discounts from: Canva, LanguageTool, Grammarly, Simple Analytics and Blocksurvey.

We regularly receive free tickets and invitations to press nights from a wide range of local organisations.


Summer 2024 crowdfunder

On 1 July 2024 we successfully raised £2,000 with 33 supporters in 28 days.

Summer 2024 supporters

Alex Cadoux, Archie MacKay, Brian Dodds, Chris Slowe, David Knight, Danny Garside, Emma Smith-Jaynes, Huw Marshall, Jamie Wareham, Jane Hearst, Jennifier Stafferton, Jon Cook, Lucy Faire, Rebecca Tracy, Richard Williams, Robin Cafferata, Tchiyiwe Chihana, Thomas Ray Hemmings, and 15 anonymous small donors.

Autumn 2022 crowdfunder

On 14 November 2022 we successfully raised £2,640 with 64 supporters in 42 days.

Autumn 2022 supporters

Aidan Davis, Alex Clark, Alexis Wolfe, Assiah Hamed, Bart van der Velden, Bridget Thomas, Catherine Flick, Chris Kealey, Chris Slowe, Chris Williams, Dorothy Francis, Eliza Lomas, Emily O'Neill, Emma Guy, Gavin Campbell, Helen Everett, Ian Wilson, Joe Mitchell, Joe Simons, John Coster, Jonathan Davies, Kim Darrah, Leona Fensome, Lucas Batt, Lucy Faire, Makinder Singh Chahal, Marina Calland, Megan Lupton, Michael Mullaney, Mike Jennings, Mr B Reay, Norten De Souza, Pam Mizon, Patrick McGovern, Pervez Khan, Rachel Hamada, Rhys Everquill, Rhiannon Davies, Rob Edwards, Rob Watson, Sean Loveridge, Sheridan Flynn, Shirley Stafferton, Steve Moss, Tchiyiwe Chihana, Leah Everquill, and 14 anonymous small donors.


Name Team Role Salary
Rhys Everquill Community Community lead £12 Per Hour (21)
Emma Guy Editorial Editor £18.75 Per Hour (8)

Annual accounts


Where does my membership contribution go?

We are not-for-profit, so every penny is reinvested back into The Gazette. Here is an idea of where your money goes:

500 members contributing £4/month = one full-time salary at the Real Living Wage

To be fully funded by members, we would need:

2,000 members contributing £4/month = fully funded by members with three paid staff members at the Real Living Wage (includes overheads)

How else is The Gazette funded?

Our funding mostly comes from membership contributions and grants, with a tiny amount coming from sponsorships, services, donations and our shop.

Can I support The Gazette with a one-off contribution?

Absolutely. You can buy merch or donate.

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