
As a not-for-profit, every penny The Gazette receives goes directly back into the paper.

Photo of the gates leading to Victoria Park

Donating is a great way to support us if you live outside of Leicester, or want to help take The Gazette's journalism to the next level.

Your donation directly fuels The Gazette's mission of delivering high-quality journalism to the public. With your contribution, we can make a meaningful impact and ensure the longevity of local journalism.

Should I become a member instead?

The best way to support us is by becoming a member. With 2,000 members contributing £4 per month, we would have sufficient funds to support three full-time staff members and meet all operational expenses.

Why donate?

  1. Empower independent journalism: Every penny you donate goes directly back into the paper, enabling us to continue providing comprehensive coverage across Leicester — we need around £2,000 per year to keep publishing.
  2. Accessibility for all: Your generous donations help us keep running our accessibility tool, Access Angel, ensuring that everyone can stay informed and engaged with the issues that matter — this costs around £900 per year to run.
  3. Pay our team: The Gazette's is run by volunteers. With your support, we can pay everyone working with us a Real Living Wage and produce even more impactful stories — we would need roughly £25,000 per year to pay for one staff member full-time.

How much should I donate?

  • One-time contribution: Make a one-time donation of any amount to show your commitment to high-quality journalism. Every contribution makes a difference.
  • Regular contributions: By setting up a monthly donation, you provide consistent support that allows us to plan for the future and maintain our operations effectively.

Make a difference

Your donation is vital to the survival of independent journalism in our community. Join The Gazette in keeping local journalism alive and thriving.

For those interested in making a significant donation or leaving a gift in your Will, please contact us at

Financial transparency

In line with the Who Funds You? Project, the name of any individual who gives £5,000/year or more will be listed on our Transparency page. Organisations are included without regard to the amount they contribute.

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