Former MP Keith Vaz to stand in Leicester East

Former Leicester East MP Keith Vaz is running for his old seat in the general election. Vaz today announced his candidacy for the seat, challenging his successor Claudia Webbe.

Vaz speaking at an event in 2014. There is a Unison banner in the background and a microphone in the foreground.
Vaz speaking at an event in 2014. Photograph: daliscar1 / Flickr

Vaz, who served as a Leicester Labour MP for 32 years, retired from Parliament after offering to get drugs for prostitutes. It was recommended by other MPs on the Commons Standards Committee that he be suspended from the Commons for six months because his scandal had caused “significant damage” to the reputation of the House of Commons.

He will be running on behalf of the city’s newest party, One Leicester. The party was set up by former assistant mayor Rita Patel after she was suspended from Labour along with three other councillors over their attempt to scrap the mayor’s office through a vote at a council meeting. City mayor Sir Peter Soulsby won the vote and shortly after secured his fourth term in the role when the city went to the polls last May.

Declaring his intention to run, Vaz said: “It was the greatest privilege of my life to serve as MP for Leicester East for over three decades. I absolutely love Leicester. Today, I am shocked with what I see. Despite so many opportunities, Leicester is unrecognisable, and on the edge of bankruptcy.

“Many people have urged me to stand again. When I was formally asked to stand by One Leicester, it felt the right thing to do – to join them in putting Leicester first and party politics second.

“My job has always been to listen, to act and to get things done. This is what I intend to do for local people.

“When elected, I will donate my MP’s salary to charity for local good causes and ensure more time is given to constituents by setting up the first ever seven-day-a-week MP’s office.”

Patel added: “At this critical time, Leicester East needs someone with extensive experience, dedication and a strong voice who will fight for residents. Keith has been, and still is, a strong advocate for Leicester for over 35 years.

“I cannot think of anyone better suited to be picking up the pieces of our unrecognisable city and help make it the best it can be. He has always worked hard for local people, and I am sure that they will show their support on July 4.”

Also vying for the seat are Rajesh Agrawal for Labour, Zuffar Haq for the Liberal Democrats, Mags Lewis for the Green Party, Shivani Raja for the Conservatives, Raj Solanki for Reform UK, and Claudia Webbe as an independent.

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