Cast your vote for our board of directors

A board of directors elected by members of the community.

Photo of Victoria Park by Risto Arnaudov

The Great Central Gazette's directors are journalists and readers whom the broader membership has elected to hold the newspaper accountable.

Directors have limited power but are incredibly important. They are an advisory group that offers expertise and oversees the newspaper's strategy, development and expansion.

As a co-op, members have a right to say how we are run – which means electing a board of directors yearly.

Directors meet every three months and are generally available between meetings to advise the team. They sit for one year, and the longest-serving directors must step down when the time comes.

Our Rules, the governing document of The Gazette, reserve three places on the board for journalists and three for readers. You now have the opportunity to vote for three reader directors. The core team will fill the journalist positions – Emma Guy, Megan Lupton and Rhys Everquill.

Three readers have nominated themselves to stand in this year's election – Dorothy Francis, Robin Cafferata and Lucy Faire. There is an option on the voting form to re-open nominations (RON).

To vote, you must sign up if you are not yet a member. If you have received this newsletter as an email, you are already a member and can cast your vote using the button below.

The vote will close at 23:59 on 4 November 2023.

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